Thursday, June 17, 2010

Montana Steakhouse

The Raven restaurant in Gardiner, Montana is open for the season! Have you had your steak yet?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Montana Weddings at Old Chico

I thought I would share a link to some wedding photos that were taken at Old Chico along Emigrant Creek. And in one case, at the cottage. Go to Nashan Photographers, select Chieko- weddings from the "please select a category" drop down box. Select the Colavito.Hoovestal wedding for the session at the cottage and the Wells.Wright wedding for pictures around Emigrant Creek and Old Chico. Both beautiful weddings with a fantastic photographer. She really captured the beauty and some of the history of the area while focusing on the their happy days. Enjoy!!

Monday, February 1, 2010


Here we are, February, and in Montana that can mean a whole lotta winter is left. What to do? Winter hiking, skiing, and maybe a little sledding. We will beat the winter doldrums!

Hint: It is kind of easy when the scenery is this good!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Winter Scene

The creek
The rocks

Old cabin on the creek